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VOISIN Car PDF Manuals

Voisin Type-C3-L Specs
Voisin Type-C3-L Specs
Voisin Type-C3-L Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 246.0 KB
Voisin Type-C3-S Specs
Voisin Type-C3-S Specs
Voisin Type-C3-S Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 189.4 KB
Voisin Type-C6 Specs
Voisin Type-C6 Specs
Voisin Type-C6 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 184.8 KB

Voisin Type-C11 Specs
Voisin Type-C11 Specs
Voisin Type-C11 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 205.9 KB
Voisin Type-C14 Specs
Voisin Type-C14 Specs
Voisin Type-C14 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 155.8 KB
Voisin Type-C25 Specs
Voisin Type-C25 Specs
Voisin Type-C25 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 219.5 KB

Voisin Type-C27 Specs
Voisin Type-C27 Specs
Voisin Type-C27 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 196.1 KB
Voisin Type-C27 Specs
Voisin Type-C27 Specs
Voisin Type-C27 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 196.0 KB
Voisin Type-C30 Specs
Voisin Type-C30 Specs
Voisin Type-C30 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 147.8 KB

Voisin Type-C30S Specs
Voisin Type-C30S Specs
Voisin Type-C30S Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 140.0 KB
Voisin Type-C31 Specs
Voisin Type-C31 Specs
Voisin Type-C31 Specs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 164.5 KB

Voisin cars
Voisin car

Avions Voisin Cars History

There're 11 VOISIN car manuals PDF.


Avions Voisin is a French automobile company founded by aviation pioneer Gabriel Voisin.


From 1919 to 1939 at its plant in Issy-les-Moulineaux, an industrial suburb of Paris, about 11,000 machines of thirty different models, including prototypes, were produced.


No more than 150 of them have survived to this day, which is explained by the widespread use of aluminum in their construction, which was in demand during the WW2.


Voisin strove to go his own way in everything, therefore, contrary to the once common practice of custom-made bodies, he developed factory bodies using aviation technologies.


He was a supporter of functional design, but influenced by his friend Andre Telmont, he was fond of art deco style.


In the 30s. he designed a range of futuristic vehicles with aerodynamic bodies and numerous technical innovations such as a vacuum operated sliding roof.


In addition, Voisin used silent spool-valve Knight engines on all of his models.


Avions Voisin products were too expensive to be in demand during the Great Depression.


As a result, the company ran into financial difficulties, and with the outbreak of war in 1939, it ceased to exist.